Sunday, August 22, 2010


LORENE TAUREREWA's works are phenomenal. Colossal & petite figures beckon, drawing you into the space. 'Otherworldliness' as one writer commented, is befitting of Lorene's art. This is mastery image-making & I feel totally lacking & inarticulate when it comes to describing Lorene's work, so lets leave it to those many writers who have given her rave reviews. I feel transported when I look at her drawings & paintings.
Another fellow graduate of the Quay School of Arts, here in Whanganui, Lorene has gone on to have many solo shows & is now successfully working in New York.

2009 Creative New Zealand: Arts Council of New Zealand: Grant recipient
2006 IASK Residency: The National Artists Studio: National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, 
2006 Martin Hughes, Contemporary Pacific Art Award, Supreme Winner, New Zealand
2006 Creative New Zealand: Arts Council of New Zealand: Grant recipient
2004 Creative New Zealand: Arts Council of New Zealand: Grant recipient

For further information re: exhibitions & dealer galleries, please visit her website: